My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ah Po Turns 90

Two weeks back, my family celebrated Ah Po's (Grandma's) birthday. She turns 90. Incredible! She is still as strong as ever and i believe the weekly majong session helps in a way or two.

Mom's mom has had a hard life when she was young. I have heard of the many stories from mom and from the various aunties. Stories of the many sacrifices which grandma went through. Stories of the unhappy marrigage between my late grandfather and her as they were match-made. Stories of how she had to take care of all the kids by herself as grandpa is a seaman and is hardly at home. There were many tales and stories .. but all these experiences and struggles in her life have made her strong in character and her perseverance in life is simply remarkable.

Sad to say, i hardly spend time knowing my po po as i am closer to my grandma from dad's side. I suppose part of the reason is because mom seldom bring us back to her side of the family much when i was young.

One thing which touches me this year is the birthday wish that Ah Po made. It was all for her grandchildren.

So one thing which i am telling myself to do is to make more effort in knowing her and spending time with her. The least i want is to regret when things are too late.

Wishing Po Po good health and happeiness always.
