My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Monday, June 05, 2006

A Fruitful Sunday

Praise The Lord! Yesterday seems like the most fruitful sunday i ever had.

Before i went to bed on sat, i text-mail my dear sheep to ensure that she wakes up in time for Sunday service. So naturally, i was disappointed when i didn't see her around. So i messaged her, no reply. When i turned my back 5 mins later, there she was looking bright and cheery, and of course, pretty in pink. It will be really wonderful if she continue this way from now on. Yeah - Breakthrough! (If you want to walk on water, you got to get out of the boat). Keep it up gal. And of course, it's also encouraging to know that the Lord spoke to her during p & w last week.

Secondly, MJ/Stanley came for Sunday service. I was glad Mabel didn't tell me at the last min. that he can't come. I remembered a few weeks back, i felt this prompting that came out of nowhere and it sets me thinking ... Lord! While we are praying for him to be healed, but at the sme time, he will also need biblical understanding of faith, hope and love. He has mentioned before that if he could get out of the hospital, he will like to attend sunday service. Now that he is feeling better and is able to go out with his friends, watch movie etc, it will thus mean that he will be able to attend sun service right? So i just plucked up my courage and ask Mabel to invite him.

And the good thing was that service was pretty good (led by Ps Jeff), as well as p & w. Pastor Lawrence, together with the whole congregation also prayed for him which came as a surprise to me too. Mabel later told me that MJ feels touched and do not mind coming back again.

I am thankful for the support which i am getting from my fellow brothers & sisters, esp. Jan & Cheryl, Alvin & Cheryl Q, David & Lisan, Nic & Jo. It has not been easy for me. But knowing that these people are always behind me is what i am really thankful for. And of course, God for guiding me through too :)