My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Looking Foward To That Faithful Day

Just yesterday nite, i was on the way to Darren's place when i overheard mom & dad talking abt my grand-auntie who has a long battle with stroke and is in a bad shape right now. Not too sure if she could live through these 2 months. That's why Auntie Cindy and her family is not planning any holiday this CNY.

Grand-auntie is my late-grandpa younger sister. She has battled with stroke since i was young and it has been almost 10 years. Thank God for auntie cindy who took care of her mother all these years. While i was in the car, it reminded me once again of the urgency that i need to do something to bring my own family to Christ, esp. mom & dad and grandma. It hasn't been an easy journey for me and most recently, many heartbreaks and tears too over this aspect. Many times, it just seems that the harder i try, the more difficult it gets, and the more spiritual battles i face. But one thing for sure, as long as i continue to have faith and peservere, it will happen one fine day.

To begin with, i really want to at least learn how to pray in mandarin and get myself a eng-chinese bible. It also reminded me of what HJ shared. What he said really struck me, that we are the closest and dearest to our parents, and our parents do look-up to us. And very simply and technically, we have the greatest and deepest impact on our parents. That really sets me thinking of alot of things .....

Well! I certainly look forward to that faithful day.