My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fiona & Johann's Wedding

Sat was Fiona's wedding and the day started pretty early. It was one of those rare times when i leave the house early only to realise that the main road was totally quiet with no cabs in sight. But that was not the earliest which i left home. The earliest was 3.30am in Feb when i had to go to my cousin's place before the whole family went to the airport together.

SIMPLE was the key word ... the wedding gown, make-up etc. Oh ... and i love her wedding invitation card. It was really classy and in black.

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The house was really quiet and it doesn't seem that a wedding was taking place. There was only her, her cousin, parents plus me. And yeap ... this seems to be the one and only picture which we have taken together before.

While waiting for Johann & his best-man Julian to arrive, Jenny (her cousin) noticed that Fiona's shoes and mine was almost the same. The difference is that i bought it off the rack while she customed made it from the same shop. The design is the same except the fabric, height and heel.

(The top pair belongs to Fiona while the pair at the bottom is mine)

Ha ha ... this proves that 'shoepaholics' like us even had the same taste. Result of shopping together for many years.

And i had to post this picture of the pig up. The guy who was supposed to deliver the pig was kind of lost and we had to wait for him to arrive before we are able to go up to Fiona's parents place. Thankfully we didn't need to wait for long.

This is the cuplrit.

The church wedding was held at Grace Methodist Church and it turned out quite well. I love the acapella group, Equivox from NUS. It was most beautiful when they sang 'How Great Is Our God'. Too bad i couldn't record it coz. was standing next to her and infront of all the guests at that moment. Only managed to record this while the couple signed their marriage certificate.

Dinner was excellent .. and so was the view. Managed to get a glimpse of NDP preview from OCBC centre where we were. Caught up with Gladys, a uni-friend (and the one and only person that i know at the dinner). Her kid, 17 months old Timothy is soooo cute.
