My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Babies & My Bus Ride Home

Received an email from ML from Perth. Told me that she's expecting a baby boy. That's nice. She'll be surrounded by 3 musketiers @ home.

Doris is expecting a baby gal. Karen a baby boy. OK ... that leaves my dear mrs clierinck now.

Anyway, i am soo tired today. Slept late last nite and survived through 3 back-to-back meetings today all the way from 10am - 5.30pm. Thereafter, went for WAM Vision Nite. No wonder i am so tired. I was dozing off in the bus and was kind of enjoying my rest/sleep. Can you believe it ... one of the gals had to wake me up while she was alighting from the bus. Didn't realise that i've reached the bus-interchange. Thank God i wasn't in Bus 28. If not, i'll probably end up @ Sing Expo or Changi Airport. Good Grieve. It'll be embrassing if everyone has alighted and the bus driver had to wake me up.

Hmm ... i heard someone telling me sometime back that their friend or cousin was sleeping in the bus and no-one actually realised it. He had to call his friend or family to contact the bus-interchange personnel to get him out coz. the bus was locked and aircorn was off. My goodness! Thank God for mobile phones. And also, it didn't happen to me.

I'm looking for cg tomm coz it's back to Potong Pasir. But before that, there's heaps of work to clear. Oh no ... i am so looking forward to the weekends already.