My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Friday, July 21, 2006

Resting @ Home

Alan mentioned during cg on wed that he was so busy at work that his body finally decided to 'go on strike'. Well! It has been very busy for me this 2 weeks. In fact, it seems like it's been a long time since i had a proper conversation with my parents. By the time i reach home past 11pm, they are already resting or sleeping.

Have not had enough rest & sleep .Just this morning, i woke up with a slight headache and sore-throat. Threw up 3 times in the office and just had to drag myself to see the doctor. Doc said it could be due to stress, lack of sleep and it could be a result of migrane. Something which i could possibly be 'suffering' all these years after i came back from Melbourne. Prior to that, i never seem to have this problem.

Wow ... that's something which i didn't realise. As for stress, yes .. that's true. Many-a-times, we just brush it aside and not take it seriously. So better take care and put aside sometime to destress. So i'm actually looking forward to taking a break next week to Taiwan (company retreat). Although it'll not be the most perfect place to relax, i guess i shouldn't be complaning coz. the trip is being paid for. My ideal is to go to somewhere where i can either relax by the beach or pool, read a book, laze around and enjoy life. Bali? But well, i've had comments from afew people that they don't really enjoy the place coz. they felt that it was spiritually unclean. As for the others, they love the place. Well! It'll be perfect if i could go on a long holiday to Europe and do some sightseeing. But of course, i'll need to find a sponsor.

Anyway, the short trip will be good if it's with personal friends rather than colleagues. But well, i'll make the best out for it.

As for now, i'll 'destress' by attending a concert tonite with Mag & Ginny. So better take my medication and sleep.