My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Sunday, November 26, 2006

This Week

1) At last, feels more festive at work & at home coz. the christmas tree is finally up. My colleague even passed me streamers to decorate my office door.

2) The irritating white ants attacked my bookshelve and some of my books had to be thrown away. The previous time, it attacked my basket which had my certifcates in it. And the last was my CDs. Sooner or later, i think the white ants would destroy my certificates. Anyway, it's the third 'unfriendly' visit of the year. Had to throw away the bookshelve. Hmm ..excuse to buy new furnitures from the new Ikea @ Tampines.

3) Am blessed bec. i'll be going to China with my extended family (dad's side) next feb and the trip will be sponsored. But still, i hope to somehow have the $$ to go to either Vietnam, Bali, Shanghai or most ideally, Europe to visit John, Patricia, Kimberly & Stephanie. That depends on year-end bonus i suppose (if any).

4) Heard from dad that Uncle Robert is in hospital for brain operation.

5) Understand that Uncle Henry & Auntie Wah had house blessing today in their new home. Auntie Gay will bring grandma there. For relatives, including mom who's non-christian, they wondered why they got converted. They concluded by saying that it's funny.

6) Auntie Phoon told me that Yongjian, my cousin has left for Guangzhou to work. Even if she didn't tell me, i wouldn't know if he has gone overseas to work since we hardly meet.

Anyway, just hope that it's less hectic next week and i'll get more time to spend with friends & most importantly, God.