My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's Donut Factory

Look what i found at Alvin's place. It's donuts from Donut Factory. Cecilia & Doris were at Suntec this afternoon and they went to buy it. Thankfully, they only queued for 10 mins. This is the second time which i am eatting this. Jimmy bought it for us to try the first time just before the brand and product got really popular. I think for many of us, we are happy whenever we see this. There's many flavours to try.

But seriously, i will not queue several hours just to purchase it. The queue at the main branch, Raffles City is horribly long. That explains why i have never been successful at buying the donuts. Actually, i don't think the donuts are really fantastic. But it's the different flavours that makes it look really yummy and simply irrestible.

It's the organge box which make heads stop. Someone mentioned that in this case, we should keep the box and walk around town with it.

Just in case u are unaware, there are actually two outlets now. One at Raffles City and the other at Suntec City. If u are going to buy it, wish u all the best and hope the queue ain't too long.
