My Blog, My Thoughts, My Reflections

WeNdY tAn

Monday, January 14, 2008

Kayaking Is Fun

I went kayaking with some friends on sunday. The weather forecast said that there would be thunderstorm and rain in certain parts of Singapore. Thankfully, it didn't rain at lakeside although the sky was dark.

It was the first time for some of us trying kayaking (including me). It's not difficult and i enjoyed it. Age is not a problem too. Even Auntie Poon, Alvin & Penny's mother came to join us. We thought Penny was joking with us earlier.

We kayaked for two hours before going into Chinese Garden to feed the fishes. Another highlight of the day for all of us is the curry fish head dinner. It was supposedly to be really good. And it is indeed. A pity that some other friends could not join us. It's ok! We can arrange again.
